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Roles & Responsibilities

1.1 Office of the Vice-President for Research

The Office of the Vice President for Research administers support for research and scholarly/creative work within the university community. This support includes responsibilities for:

  • Extramural and intramural funding of scholarship. Externally supported research and sponsored programs form a significant part of the academic enterprise at the University of Utah. The Vice- President for Research administers all intramural funding programs as well.
  • All pertinent federal mandates and guidelines related to support of research programs.
  • Necessary infrastructure relevant to the administration of research and scholarly activities. Organizations reporting to the Vice-President for Research are responsible for:
    • Assisting faculty in identifying and obtaining funding for research, training and scholarly activities;
    • Assisting faculty in proposal and pre-award processing;
    • Assuring that all research applications, awards and activities comply with University policy;
    • Managing approved cost-sharing arrangements on grants and contracts; and
    • Assuring University compliance with federal research regulations.

On behalf of the University of Utah, The Vice President for Research is responsible for Institutional oversight of sponsored projects including, without limitation, the authority to:

Determine the eligibility criteria for faculty to act as a Principal Investigator(s) or Investigator(s) on a sponsored project.

Reconcile the suitability of the scope of work of proposals and awards in relation to the missions and goals of the University of Utah.

Accept, decline, maintain or terminate any sponsored project on behalf of the University.

Establish other oversight measures in order to meet regulatory or Institutional compliance requirements and/or the terms and conditions of a proposal or award.

If the Vice President for Research determines it is in the best interest of the University to either modify the PI on a proposal or project or to decline, suspend, or terminate a proposal or awarded project, the VPR will seek the advice of the Associate Vice President for Research Integrity and the Office of General Counsel.  The AVPRI may establish an ad-hoc committee comprised of at least three faculty.  This committee will, in a timely manner, weigh the impacts on the University and the affected faculty and staff of the action proposed by the VPR against the impacts to the University and the affected faculty and staff of taking no action or taking another course of action and will make a recommendation to the VPR.

Faculty directly and negatively affected by the VPR's decision to modify the PI's role or to decline, suspend, or terminate a proposal or award may request a review of the VPR's decision by the applicable Sr. Vice President, who shall make a recommendation.  Affected faculty have the right to appeal the decision to the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee as an "Academic Grievance" or under other available forms of complaint as provided by Policy 6-011.

Last Updated: 4/29/24